Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
1. What are the school operating hours?
Our school operational hours are from 7.00am to 6.00pm. Our General office operates from 7.30am to 5.30pm. We are open from Monday to Friday and are closed on Saturday, Sunday & Public Holidays.
2. What are the school hours?
Our school hours are from 8.00am to 3.30pm daily except Friday (12.30pm) for most students. CCA will start after school from 3.00pm to 6.00pm on Wednesday for most students.
3. Does school provide school bus?
No school bus services for secondary school. Public Transport: SBS 27, 80, 82, 83, 86, 87, 88, 89, 119, 156, 159, 163, 372, 965
MRT Station: Seng Kang, Ranggung LRT.
4. My child was exempted from the MTL exam at PSLE. Does he/she still need to study a MTL at Secondary School?
If your child was exempted from taking the MTL exam at PSLE because he/she has applied to study a foreign language, your child will still need to register for a foreign language as a MTL-in-lieu at Secondary School. Without a MTL or MTL-in-lieu, your child will not be able to register for the National Examination at the end of Secondary School education.
If your child was granted exemption because he/she fulfilled a condition stated in the MOE website (Exemption from taking a Mother Tongue Language), it would be clearly stated on the official letter of exemption (which your child received in Primary School) that your child will no longer need to reapply for exemption at Secondary School. In such a case, your child will not be required to sit for the MTL SEC examination in 2028.
5. I would like to apply for MTL exemption for my child. How can I go about doing it?
Under the National Bilingual Policy, all students including foreign students, must study two languages: English Language and a Mother Tongue Language. If you wish to apply for MTL exemption for your child, please get an application form from the General Office or approach the HOD/ MTL.
6. My child is studying a NTIL (Non-Tamil Indian Language) in Primary School. Does he/she need to reapply at Secondary School? Are there NTIL lessons conducted in school?
Students who have obtained approval at the primary level to study a NTIL will continue to offer the approved NTIL at secondary and pre- tertiary levels. There are no NTIL lessons in school. Students studying NTIL are required to attend lessons with the NTIL community groups and sit for examinations set by the Board for the Teaching and Testing of South Asian Languages.
7. Can my child choose to take HMTL at Secondary School?
Students will be eligible for HMTL at Secondary School if they are short-listed by MOE when they are first posted to the school at Secondary One or the school approves the students based on school internal criteria to take up the HMTL. Please approach the HOD/ MTL.
8. If my child does not meet the eligibility criteria for HMTL, is it still possible for him/her to be offered HMTL later?
Yes, your child is able to take up HMTL in the following year if your child meets the following criteria:
(1) Obtained an overall percentage of A1 (80% and above) in G3 MTL in current Sec 1 or Sec 2 levels;
(2) Passed EL;
(3) Promoted to Sec 2 or Sec 3 Express stream in the following year.